EPISODE 80 – Business Success Starts With The Owner

EPISODE 80 – Business Success Starts With The Owner

By mick | January 4, 2022

EPISODE 80 – Business Success Starts With The Owner |

Hey folks and welcome to another episode of Builders Business Success Podcast

We normally do some content and then we have the Q&A, and then we have an idea of the week, so it can get a shot of our light floating light bulb, not this week. 

I thought we'd sort of lighten the mood a little bit and get it into a little bit of edutainment, might be, or there might be some other fancy words for it, but a little bit of entertainment and civic and learn something along the way. 

So we're going to speak to a very, very special guest that we recorded an interview with earlier in the week. 

If I haven't introduced myself yet, my name's Mick Hawes. And I'd like to be your construction business coach, if you'd let me, really like to do that. But as I said, not doing the normal show today, we're going to chat with a chap who I was introduced to by a good friend of mine. His name is Lee Farnell. 

You may notice if you know Lee Farnell, or if you look up Lee Farnell over in Western Australia, that our guests looks very similar. They have very similar looks, but Lee is from Western Australia and our guest, Professor Mark Moorehouse is from the United States, but they look suspiciously similar. But had a great conversation with Professor Mark Moorehouse. I've spoken to Mark Moorehouse on a previous podcast. 

Years ago, I used to have a podcast called the Small Business Smart Solutions Podcast. And I first had a conversation with the professor then. I had lots of laughs and I thought it'd be a great to getting back on the Builders Business Success Podcast so you guys can have a laugh as well and learn some really cool stuff. 

He might be stretching the boundaries of truth in some of the things he says, but you can certainly have a good laugh buddy. He says a lot of very, very valuable things. So, with no further ado, let me introduce to you Professor Mark Moorehouse.

*Transcription of the show*

So folks absolutely privileged to introduce to you our very, very special guest. And, this is how special this guest is, is that we don't have guests on this show, but we have made an exception for this guest because he basically is legendary status. 

Now, we've got Professor Mark Moorehouse and he's based in New York and he's in Australia working on investor relations with some of his Fortune 500 clients, and with the Australian Federal Government on yet to be announced, key industry development innovation strategy. 

It all sounds very highbrow, highfalutin, high level stuff that I probably don't understand. So we might get that explained to me. He is a person USA Today called, a genius in smart business for the 21st century. 

The Wall Street Journal wrote him as, one of the world's gurus in guerrilla marketing. Marketing USA described him as the showman of the business innovation or business innovation success. He's got a PhD in marketing business from Harvard, a masters degree in human psychology. 

I nearly couldn't read my own writing from the University of Minnesota and an engineering degree from the University of Washington. He is visiting a professor on marketing and strategic innovation at the London Business School and consults to the International Olympic committee. 

And he's here with us on the Builder's Business Success Podcast. I'd like you to meet Professor Mark Moorehouse. Thank you for speaking with us.

- Well, thank you Mick, for having me. You're a great guy. We've met a number of years ago, and it's just fantastic that you'd you'd have me back on. I'm here in Australia on a number of things I can't talk about, but obviously you are your Australian Prime Minister recently had a relationship with the president of France, France, France, France. And, you know, I did I've, I said it, if the contract is not being met. If the milestones are not being met, do not get those submarines. And so we've done that. And I'm not going to claim credit for it, that the French we've got some upset frog legs over there right now, but overall Australia you've made the right decision. And I'm saying Moorehouse, I'd been a little bit behind that. My hand is almost up Scott Marston's back in regard to this, but I'm between myself and our president, Joe, Joseph, Joe, Joe Biden, when can remember his own name, you know, you've gotta make decisions, Micky boy, you know, you've gotta make decisions. Sometimes those decisions are tough decisions, but you've gotta make them. And we've made them and it will be in the best interests for Australia, and it'll be in the best interests for the USA, and that's the best interest for the world. So that's all we're really concerned about.

- Now, I'm just noticing in your background there that you've got world tour dates. And I think there's, we spoke, we had a podcast called Small Business Smart Solutions, and you were very gracious enough to grace us with your presence on that podcast some years ago. I think it was before this world tour. So, I mean, you're all over the place, teaching people how to build better businesses. And that's why we've got you on this show because we need to learn how to build better businesses. My thoughts are, and I want your thoughts on this, is the primary thing that needs to change for a business to be successful is the mindset of the business owner. How important is mindset when it comes to success?

- Well Micky boy, as you can see the tour's called M.A.D For More. M.A.D For More. And that is the whole theme of the work that I do, is I want people to go M.A.D For More. More, more, more. More business growth, more customer service, more cashflow, more marketing. More, more, more. And when I say M.A.D, I mean, make a difference. Make a difference. Now, I gotta go a fraction far because when we're talking mindset, the whole principle behind mindset starts with the fact that you are born and then one day you're gonna die. I hate to say that because, but it's a, it's an absolute truth. You're born and you're gonna die. And there's this gap in between called life. And you have to decide to make the most of this thing called life. Now, some people have a mindset. They think they're gonna live forever. That they've got all the time in the world. The fact of the matter is, you don't have all the time in the world. And the beautiful thing about the work you do, Micky boy, and the work I do, but you particularly, because you deal with builders. I love that concept; building, building. I was just talking to my business partner this morning, and I will talk about the fact that when you do a building, when you do a building, you have to have solid deep foundations. Is that true, yes or no?

- That is, yes.

- Yes? And if you have weak insubstantial foundations, then the building what, is unstable, lacks integrity. So, when we're cooking mindset, the mindset is in fact, the very foundation of the growth for the future. And yet what frustrates me, and that why I talk about going M.A.D, is people can go through their whole education, kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, college, university, post-graduate, and not one minute is spent on mindset. Sorry, I've gotta control myself. One of the things we talk about around mindset is a solid emotional platform, which is why each morning I do my M.A.D For More meditation. I've got into meditation a lot in the last few years, Micky boy, I mean, people have often called me a guru. I say, I am not your guru, Anthony Robbins stole that title from me, made a lot of money on his Netflix from that. But I am not, I was not the guru before he was not the guru.

- Gotcha.

- You know. I mean, you are not a guru.

- No.

- But you're close to a guru. I like the t-shirt by the way, I love the idea of black belt, black belt. 'Cause when you start any martial arts, you start with a white belt and then you work your way up to black belt. And so we call those micro steps, which is why we do in Everyday Empowerment Institute, we have what we call micro certification. You must reward progress. And now we know people are so addicted to the dopamine that comes from the regular hits of a mobile phone. You must be giving people regular hits. And so when we're talking mindset, we must have situations, and I know you do this beautifully, structured approaches to people, stretching, stretching their comfort zone. Would you agree with that?

- Absolutely.

- The importance of stretching because it's death in the comfort zone, Micky boy. And I'm calling him Micky boy, you know that I went to college, first of all time with my good friend, Steve Jobs, God bless his soul. And Steve called, well, Steve, I call him Stevie boy because my papi used to call me Marky boy. Marky boy. So I come from Eagles Nest, Idaho. Eagle's Nest, my papi ran the local gas station. He fixed people's cars, that's Monday to Saturday. And then Sunday, he was the preacher at the local church. So on Monday to Saturday, he got people's cars going, but on Sunday he got their lives going. And that was that's where you and I have picked up on this. M.A.D, make a difference. We say, you're put on this planet to make a difference. And in your case to help people build what, that's where we are so interrelated here, because we're both in the business of building, constructing people's lives to realize their full potential. Does that answer the question Micky?

- I forgot what the question was, but I'm sure it did. You reminded me of your papi, and you know, talk about mindset, I think he was very very instrumental in developing your mindset. What are some of the lessons that would be worthwhile passing on to our listener that your papi taught you.

- I'm glad you mentioned that, Micky boy, because I put this into a book we call Relate & Grow Rich. Now, some people say it's a rip of Think and Grow Rich, but no, it's way newer than Think and Grow Rich. And I've gotta tip my hat, if I had a hat to the great Napoleon Hill and the great Andrew Carnegie, great builders, great change-makers in their time. But my papi taught me a number of things. One of the things he taught me was this principle we call the R factor. The R factor. The R factor says, we must relate. Relate. It's, life is all about relationships. And it's based on a principle from science, it's actually on page 62 of the book. Page 62, which was done by the great Tom Peters raised this point when he said, why do customers stop doing business with any particular business. Said, 15%, this is from a group called Boston Consulting, 15% leave because they think, find a better product, 15% leave because they find a cheaper product, 20% leave because of too little contact and individual attention. But 49% of people do not come back to your business or builders to any business because the attention they got was poor quality. In other words, almost 70% of the reason someone stops doing business with your business has got nothing to do with product or price, but the actual frequency times quality of the relationship that the people have. So, there we go. Where do people learn how to build high quality relationships. And again, you don't learn at kindergarten, you don't learn in primary school, but that's what you and I do. We focus on a structured, systematic, scientific approach to building solid relationships. And that's what my papi said, Marky boy, it's all about relationships. Now, here today, I, you and I wanna talk about the relationship your customers, your listeners have with their own mind. The relationship you have with your mind. Now, again, who teaches this? You know, the relationship we, because you go, what is, what, now, builders understand that a building is made up of a number of components: wood, concrete, wiring. What else? What else Micky boy? Pipes.

- Pipes.

- Tiles.

- Steel.

- Steel. It's made up of a number of components. And as a builder, you need to understand how those components integrate and work together. In fact, in the ideal world, in a synergistic one plus one plus one equals 25. That's what we want. So, when it comes to the mind, the mind is made up of a number of components. There is the intellect. The intellect, which judges, reasons, discriminates. It thinks, the intellect. But then the mind is also made up of emotion, likes, dislikes. And in fact, what we know is, too many people have what is known as a monkey mind. A monkey mind. Do you know what I'm saying when I say monkey mind? Micky boy, have you heard of the monkey mind?

- Is it part of the whole setup with the reptilian brain and all of that sort of?

- Well, the reptilian brain, of course, that's interesting itself because as you know, there's the reptilian brain, there's the emotional brain. And then there's the higher order thinking. But the, the monkey mind is that part of the mind that keeps bouncing between, get tossed and imagine future. Bouncing between like a tennis ball across a, jumping, what if I do this, what did they say, I should have said that yesterday, I don't got, I've got this bill to pay tomorrow and all these customer, and I'm running around like a mad monkey, like a two-year old at a party, high on lollies. It's ridiculous! So, one of the things that we teach in M.A.D For More, and I'm sure you teach something similar is the importance of managing the mind. It's like going to the mind gymnasium and controlling, I mean, as you know, I'm a consultant to the International Olympic Committee and we work with a whole range of athletes. I mean, Usain Bolt, good friend of mine. Gymnast side. We love the gymnasts as well. We love the swimmers as well. You know, Michael Phelps, good friend of mine. We love dealing with high performance. And all high performers understand, I mean, Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo, very good friend of mine, very good friend of mine. He loves his hair as much as I love my hair. He loves Pilates by the way, Pilates. I love Pilates. I love Pilates. How's your six-pack going by the way?

- Well, it's there, it's just hidden.

- Camouflaged six pack. I like that. I like that. Now, one of the things we teach, not only relationship with the mind, but the relationship with high performance, because what we can do is we can model high performers. In fact, we call it deconstructing excellence, deconstructing excellence. The great coach in the US, and I've forgotten his name. The Green Bay Packers, think of his name. Think of his name, think of his name. He said, we cannot catch perfection, but we can catch excellence.

- Wasn't Vince Lombardi, was it?

- Vince Lombardi. That's it. We chase perfection and we catch excellence. And that's what we do in our M.A.D For More program, chase perfection, catch excellent. But, one of the things in chasing perfection and catching excellence is modeling high performance mindset. Modeling high performance mindset. And that's where we talk about power power. The way Yogi, can you just join it with.

- I did it just, like, you encouraged me to do it before you even said that I went.

- There's something in it. It's a yogic approach, very yogic approach to high performance. A yogic approach to building mindset, building business. You know, it's, I, I'm still working on myself on a daily basis, Micky boy, I don't know about yourself. I'm still an evolving creature. I know some people find that hard to believe. I am still an evolving human being. And I think it's very important that all of your clients, all of your listeners realize, yes, there's all this information, you know, you know. You know, you know there's things about building, you know, they know there's things about marketing, but you know, you also know there's things you don't know. Yeah, okay, there's things I don't know about marketing there's things, I don't know, but I know a lot of stuff. I know a lot. When your ego is attached to what you know, that is the beginning of the end. You must attach yourself, associate yourself with what you don't even know, you don't even know. You see, because you've probably come across those people's who've, I've been to college. I've got my degree. I don't need to know any more. I know it all. In fact, I'm so full of it. You know, the ones, you know, those kinds of people make you much.

- I don't know too many of them, but I know who you're talking about.

- Well, I'm sure you screen them out of your program because you don't need know-it-alls. In fact, one of my good friends, the new chief exec at Microsoft, he said I was reading one of my children's books to my kids the other day, and he said in the book, there's a character who was a know-it-all, there was a know-it-all character, but there was a learn-it-all character. And of course in the book, the person who does the best is the learn-it-all, not the know-it-all. And I thought it's a great metaphor. It's a great metaphor. Don't be a know-it-all 'cause you're full of it, be a learn-it-all. Stay green and growing, which by the way is why part of the logo of Everyday Empowerment Institute is green because it's about stay green and growing, as besides of course our commitment to nature and climate change, and, you know, climate change, let's hope that all goes well over there in Europe, you know, the French president and post Scott Morrison, Paul Scott, you think Paul Scott, he, I told him he needs more hair. You know, that hair. I mean, I like your hair because you've done the number one, Micky boy.

- Just ready for this show.

- Oh, fantastic. Which by the way, when we're talking relationship, in the book we talk about relationship with time, relationship with money, relationship with customers, but I've done a bonus chapter. Chapter number 14 is your relationship with hair. Bonus chapter 14, relationship with hair, because there's a strong relationship between success and hair. And when I say success and hair, I mean success in either having a good, full head of hair, like, you know, the great Bill Clinton or, you know, the great JFK, or no hair. Hair or no hair, but not comb-over. There's not a strong relationship with comb-over and success. So we say, you must make a decision. There's what goes on inside the mind, and there's what goes on outside the mind. And I know a lot of people's big money in fertilizing heads. You know, putting that stuff on, people take testosterone, they get more hair on their back than they do on their head, you know, but you Micky, you've done the right thing. You've done the number one, and it's not like you're losing that much anyway. I like it. It's quite nice.

- I used to have a mullet.

- What last week, last month, last year.

- No, in my wedding photos. I had a mallet and a handlebar mustache.

- Were living in Tasmania at the time?

- No, no, I was in Sydney, but it was cool at that stage. It was sometime ago.

- That was a long time ago. Wasn't it? That that's when that Warwick Capper used to wear very short shorts.

- That's right.

- Sydney Swans.

- I was in Sydney when the Sydney Swans came to Sydney and Warwick was in the team,

- Oh yeah.

- and Dr. Edelsten owned the team and he used to drive the pink Ferrari or whatever.

- Well, he had that young wife and Warwick Capper as on the center, was a very good friend of hers.

- I don't know.

- I don't know about that either.

- We're speaking about good friends.

- Yes.

- And I'll just need, you know, who'll speak amongst themselves, don't worry about the listener. We've got a very good mutual friend and I needed to check in on his general health and wellbeing. His name's Lee Farnell, he's part of the Institute. And he was responsible, I've gotta give him everlasting thanks, because he introduced me to you.

- Well, Farnell, yeah, of course the history goes, I was on the internet late one night, and these photographs started bouncing back and forth that I was, got interested, and I traced the person through. And this guy found out he was the one that actually introduced me to the R factor, R factor system. And in fact, we got so close that we jointly agreed, we did joint licensing arrangements, where I used some of his R factor material, and he uses some of my M.A.D For More material. And we've actually built up quite a strong relationship over the years. Non-physical, non-physical, you know, our wives know each other. We've toured together from time to time. And, you know, people like Farnell, I mean, he's good. He's Australian, of course, he, and in his case, he has no hair. He has absolutely no hair. No, and he's a little more boring than me, but other than that, he's a lovely fellow. He's a lovely fellow. Funnily enough, his papi also work in a gas station.

- Really?

- He was a motor mechanic, Farnell says, a motor mechanic. And he came from place called Eagle Hawk in Victoria. Whereas I came from a place called Eagle's Nest. See, wow, we have so many things in common. His wife looks very Irish, whereas my wife looks very Spanish. So, there's a lot of things in common. And we both love the color blue, I've gotta say, some people say to me, Moorehouse, why do you wear blue? Well, many of you have heard of the book, Blue Ocean Strategy, Blue Ocean Strategy, which ays, Blue Ocean Strategy says, you must stand out. You must give more value and you must stand out. And so, that's why I'm, I am, I'm like the walking, living, breathing epitome of blue ocean, stand out, be different, be great value, which is why I'm making a difference. But more to the point, some have even said, Moorehouse, you like a walking, living, breathing piece of corporate Viagra. You go into organizations that are just, you know, they're there, but they're not quite there. And within a very short period of time, things change, things change that people are walking around Microsoft, Apple and more, more, more, Moorehouse is giving me more. I've never felt this good. Oh yeah. And the graph, you've seen the share price, the Microsoft share price. You've seen actually, you know, Elon Musk was a good friend of mine, of course, and a trillion dollar company the other day, across, needless to say, one of the things you put, you might do this with your client as well. What I do when I go into my organizations, I say there must be skin in the game. There must be skin in the game. And so, when I say skin to the game, I mean, they pay me as skin, but at the same time, I'm only too happy to take share options. And so I take share options, so you can imagine when Stevie asked me to come back and help him out at Apple, I said, not a problem, but I do want share options, Stevie. This is not a problem, Apple's worth almost nothing at the moment, because you know, they kicked him out in 1998, came back, and that's when he got me back involved with Apple. He said, Marky boy, you know, what should I do? And I said, Stevie, if you remember in the old days at college, way back from Think and Grow Rich days, it says, think as you think, so you will be, as you be, so you will have. So if you wanna have different, you must be different. And if you wanna be different, you must think different. So in Apple, if you wanna have different, you gotta think different. He goes, that's it, Marky boy, that's gonna be our motto from now on. Think different. Lesson straightaway, straightaway, I have added value to the business and therefore give me the share options. Well as you can imagine, I've done very well under those share options. And I've done very well out of share options with Tesla, Microsoft, SpaceX, I mean, you know, Job, Elony boy. It doesn't really run off the tongue, Elony boy, Musky boy, Musky boy, Musky boy, Musky boy, Musky boy. And by the way, he's got a nice set of hair too. He does a good job with his hair.

- Are you gonna go to space?

- Well, he's asked me that. Musky boy said, you know, Marky boy, do you wanna get into space? I said, I'll tell you what, I'll go in after you go in. And I've gotta say, by the way, you may have watched that recent documentary on Netflix. Jacob Issacson talking about countdown, the into space with the volunteers. They raised $200 million. You know, that was my idea.

- Team inspirations.

- I said to him, if you're going to go into space, do some good, make a difference. You know, if you're gonna go big, go big, 'cause he was gonna raise 20 million or something. Put another zero on the end of that, do something good with your life. And that's what he did. I mean, it's just a fantastic story. And of course, I've got some share options in that business as well, but that's okay.

- You'd be getting invitations to go to space all over the place. How hard is it to choose whether you're gonna go with Musky boy or Jeff, you would have been asked by both.

- Well, you see that, this in itself is a way point, Micky boy, because one of the things we wanna be doing is not only exploring outer space, we wanna be exploring inner space. Inner space is where the action is. Inner space. Because it's savory while exploring outer space and getting on Mars, but if you're not happy and not realizing your full potential on the inside, what a waste, what an empty space. An empty universe. So we say, let's explore inner space. So, we talk about make a difference. We don't just mean make a difference in the external world and outer space. We wanna be making a difference with inner engineering, we call it, inner engineering, inner world engineering, and that's part of the all factor in the M.A.D For More program. And I'm sure that the sorts of things you do, because again, when and where do people learn how to engineer and re-engineer their inner world, where did you learn? Who taught you Micky boy?

- Well, there's a raft of them. You've been an incredible influence. Some more influences would be like the Stephen Covey's and Tony Robbins's.

- Yes.

- But you've been the primary one.

- Well, you see, you know, Covey, good, no hair. Robins, good head of hair. At, what often happens with these programs is they say great things, but it's not what I would call deliberate practice. It, you know, Aristotle said, Aristotle said, the Aristotle said, we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit. So, what we've done and Farnell's done at Everyday Empowerment Institute, he's done, what are the small steps on a daily basis, the small deliberate practice. This is what Ronaldo does, what is, you know, and look it is like Usain bolt said, I hate training, but I love winning. So if you, I've, if I wanna win, I've gotta train. It tells you, you can't have the winning without the training. I mean, people try it doesn't work. So, it's like, what do I do on a daily basis, deliberate? Now, the other thing we talk about at Everyday Empowerment Institute is not only what are the habits, but what is the ecosystem? The ecosystem, the ecosystem, 'cause French talk about the French. There's a French proverb, which the French president may or may not be aware of, the forest shapes the tree. Now, if you're French should say that with a French accent, the forest shapes the tree. The forest shapes the tree. The point is this, the forest shapes the tree. The ecosystem, the village raises the child. And in your case, you've got an ecosystem for builders, an ecosystem for builders to become excellent. Is that true, yes or no?

- Yes.

- Yes. And what we do across a range of industries is just that. Is create ecosystems for excellence in all sorts of industries, professional services, you know, IT, cars, marketing, 'cause the point is this, human beings, human beings are not selective. In fact, we say often they're unconscious. They're asleep at the wheel. They're asleep at the wheel of the ecosystem they choose or don't choose, or just end up being in. So we say become conscious, become conscious, become awake at the wheel. So here we're saying to your people, don't just be awake at the wheel in terms of marketing, in terms of awake at the wheel in terms of cashflow, in terms of awake at the wheel in terms of people we recruit, awake at the wheel in terms of IO customer, awake at the wheel as to what is going on between your ears. Am I adding any value here, Micky boy?

- Incredible value. Incredible value. But, you know, as the well-known saying says, you know, all good things must come to an end. And unfortunately we have run out of, we've run out of the satellite times, I know it's your own satellite, but...

- Wow, you know, and Musky boy's got quite a few satellites these days, but I understand. Time is not only money, time is irreplaceable. As I say, life begins, life ends. There's only time, there's just a month. There's a finite amount of time, so we must be precious, which is good. I'm sure you teach time management, 'cause you see time management, it's called self-management my friend. Self-management, 168 hours a week. Break it down into five minute chunks. That's what I do. And we've just used up for those chunks.

- Just an endless source of value. What do people need to know to be able to, bathe in your glory further to find more of your information to, perhaps even to get in touch with the Institute, maybe talk to Lee. What's the story?

- Well, there's a lot of things they can do. First of all, they could go to the Marky boy Moorehouse Facebook page, and you can check out some of the impact we had right across Asia, Asia, Asia, China, China, China, China, was in China, we're in China. One, you can go to Marky boy Moorehouse. You can go to the Everyday Empowerment Institute, LinkedIn page, the website is almost up and running. It's about to be launched. Farnell, you can touch base with Farnell via his LinkedIn page or his Facebook page. Lee Farnell, F A R N E double L. And of course you can look up the, look up the Relate & Grow Rich that's on the Amazon, or Kindle or one of those places. So, yeah, Farnell, on LinkedIn, on Facebook, Everyday Empowerment Institute on Facebook, on LinkedIn, and please, we love working with you guys, Micky. We love builders. Where would we be without builders? We'd be living in caves still, you know.

- You'd be under a tree somewhere.

- But start with foundation. Start with the foundation. The foundation between the ears to make a decision, to make a difference and go M.A.D For More.

- Professor Mark Moorehouse, it's been an absolute privilege and an honor to have you on the Builder's Business Success Podcast. Hopefully we'll be talking to you again at some stage in your future, and we'll be, we'll watch it, be watching your progress and impact on the globe with interest. So, we appreciate you putting your time and sharing your wisdom with us. Thank you very much.

- Thank you very much, Micky boy. And thank you to all your guests. I look forward to seeing you at some point in the future. Remember, when you see the color blue, think of Moorehouse and corporate Viagra.

- Thank you, professor. Thank you my friend. Namaste.

Takeaway & Summary

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with the professor. I had a lot of laughs, I don't know about you. He's a very wise man, but I find him very, very entertaining and you learn some really cool stuff at the same time. 

So, one of the things that we like to do obviously is help you overcome or implement some of the stuff or all of the stuff in fact that you learn on these podcasts. So we'd love to chat to you. 

There are links in the comments. So, there's links, if you're watching us on YouTube, there's a link there to book a conversation with us. 

And one of the things I just wanted to make sure of is, like we were talking about mindset and so forth with the professor. And what we find at this time of year is people get this tunnel vision. I don't wanna know anything else other than I need to get the work done before Christmas. 

And I cannot emphasize enough about how much of a mistake that is and how much of an opportunity there is as you come into Christmas, and as you start to get ready for the break. And then eventually when you have your break to be able to implement different thought processes, different habits, different processes, and procedures into your business. 

When you're away from your standard routine and particularly your environment, well, a lot of people go away, even if it's camping or going to the shack or whatever you might do for that time, it is a fantastic time to start to look at thinking differently and doing differently so you end up with different results for your business in the new year. 

So now is a really, really great time to have a conversation with us so we can put you in the right direction to get the resources that you need to be able to prepare to have a very, very different business in 2022. 

So, please jump on that link. It's a link that says bbb-call that's in the comments in Facebook, it's also in the description in YouTube, wherever you are, or you can go to our website, buildersbusinessblackbelt.com that I use, and they'll schedule a call button there. 

And book in to have a real short conversation so we can talk to you about where you are, where you wanna go in 2022. What are the things that you wanna get rid of? And what are the things that you wanna have in your business in 2022? 

And we'll put you in the right direction to get the resources, the information, the tools that you need to start to prepare for that while you're in a different environment and in a different routine as the holidays start to begin, but please don't fall into the trap of, you know, I don't wanna hear anything. I don't wanna do anything. 

I don't wanna, I just wanna focus on getting my work done until Christmas. And then when the holidays come, I don't wanna know anything about anything. It's just such a massive waste of an opportunity to make things very, very different. So, please jump on, schedule a call. Let's have a chat. 

Let's give you the resources that you need to make 2022 very, very different. I hope you enjoyed Mark Moorehouse and we've got links to Mark and Lee. So, we'll put those in the descriptions and in the comment section as well. 

So if you wanna check him out, you can. As I said, I hope you enjoyed it. That's it for this episode of Builder's Business Success Podcast. I'm Mick Hawes from Builders Business Blackbelt, we'll talking to you again next week. That is it. Bye-bye for now.