By mick | July 16, 2020

Hi, welcome to another Builders Business Success Podcast!

The purpose of this podcast is to help builders all around the country, in fact, all around the world know that the current state of affairs, the current processes that are building industry norms cause so much problem and so much pain for the builder, the team, the clients, and it doesn’t have to be that way.

We’re gonna share with you a whole bunch of ideas, tools, techniques, and tips that we’ve proven time and time again, can change the experience for you, your team member, your customer, make your business more profitable, have more fun and more time freedom being a builder, enjoying the whole process.

The Agenda

So on this episode, really excited to have old mate, Glenn Bull back in the chair.

We’re gonna be talking to him about time management and a whole bunch of really cool things.

Of course, we’ve got the regular segments. What did I say? I did actually say something worthwhile just for a few moments this week, we recorded it.

I’m gonna show you something from the technology area, it’s gonna blow your socks off. Even if you’re not into tech, this is gonna absolutely spin your head


Transcription of the show

Hear my conversation with Glenn Bull.

I wanted to talk to you about just the basic stuff that you think is important to plan your day from a builder’s perspective. So what we’ll get to, how we can help subbies and the team and all of that sort of stuff becomes more efficient, more effective, more productive, but it starts with you. I mean, you’re the nut behind the wheel fundamentally with the business, you’ve got to lead by example and you can have the most organized, well team on your site, but if you’re unorganized or distressed sending out a bad example, that’s not a good thing. So what are some of the things that you do to get yourself ready for the day?

– Well, I take absolute full control responsibility for the whole thing.

– [Mick] Yep.

  • Every day, what I do, it’s what you taught me, Mickey. When you five odd years ago, I did Time Management Course, Time Management Course with you. And you explained to me way back then that the most important thing, instead of getting out of bed and rush into the building site and start just going for it, is to organize it through time management. And that time management course you’ve got me to do, you had to write down the list of what was important for the day and then put them into As and Bs and Cs, and then go, one, two, and three analyze that I did that still do it. And what I do after that is in our actually putting each one of those into play. So before I go into the building site to talk to the concrete or whatever person is I’m gonna be dealing with that day, I go through that job in my head, like how it’s gonna go all the way through. So when I’m standing there talking to him, I’ve already got the answers and I’ve got control of what has to happen first.
  • How important is it to be prepared before you walk onto a site like rather than I’m fairly certain that many people just get up and get going? And I can understand that it’s kind of a common thing that the best way to get the most out of the day is just to get going? Whereas there is that old saying about I think it was one of the U.S. Presidents the guy with the hat and the beard, what was his name?

– I’m not an expert on political.

– Aren’t you? Is Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, come on. That’s the goal, I’m trying to.

– .

– And he was known to have said…

– Okay, fair point, but he was famous for having said, if I’ve got eight hours to chop down the tree, I’m gonna spend seven hours sharpening the ax, and that’s a reference to planning, how important is it for you to make sure you know what’s going on you’ve got a clear understanding of what needs to be done by who, by when, before you walk on there, rather than walking on like a blank page like everybody else and they’re looking at you going, what are we doing and you’re working out on the fly?

– Well, it’s a sign there’s a metaphor but Jim Rowan as well he says, “You can cut in a tree with a hammer that would probably take seven days, but if you use the next one, it takes seven minutes.”

So I have had different experiences all the time on these sites and just recently, or perhaps today let’s cut to the chase, today I’ve got some really good guys working for me, but they didn’t do the proper planning.

So I didn’t invest enough time in working out exactly what they were gonna do, so they had four or five guys that were sort of in limbo a little bit, but mind you, these guys are fantastic traits, but will always do a great job, but they hadn’t planned properly.

And they just let themselves down a little bit, so I took them to the side after a while, and we had a bit of a chat and I worked with them. I discussed where we could have sped that up a little bit and once I gave that information, he said, “Oh, I wish I’d done that first thing this morning, instead of just turning up here and go forth,” which is like the metaphor with the hammer if he’d use the soar, it would have been a lot further in front

– It’s counterintuitive is what I’ve kind of found over the years, it’s not the first thing that people tend to think about as soon as their feet hit the carpet, first thing in the morning is to a better plan. It’s not your first thought.

– Well, I was the same way, a lot of times before I’d spoken to you many years ago, I used to get up and when I had a jewelry shop and I’d get there under the doors, turn the payer on, do it turn the compressor on, not the pair on the compressor on, turn the payer for the big soar and all the rest of it. I’d never sat there and thought, what am I doing first and organize my day properly?

I’d done it to a certain degree, but not absolutely properly, whereas now it’s number one, It’s absolutely critical. So before I leave, before I go and speak to him, I know exactly what we’ve got to do, exactly what we’re gonna do.

– So do you have a specific method that you follow? I mean the thing that we teach now it’s a bit more than just the planning. In fact, we teach our Black Belt members to do a thing called a Personal Success Ritual, which kind of starts off with getting your mind in the right frame first and then looking at the bigger picture, like what are the bigger goals and making sure that some of the actions that are directly connected to the bigger goals, make it on your list of things to do today.

But even just starting with a list of things to do today and having some sort of prioritization system has gotta be better than a sort of just getting up and going for it. So how do you do it?

– Well, before I say what I do, I’ve seen a lot of guys, and again, the guys turned up today, there were three different trades here today, and they all of them obviously just get up, get in the car, turn up to do the job and then they start saying, “Oh, we need some pipe, we need some, we need some timber, we need some nails.” They’re already there to do the job and they haven’t put that into play.

And you watch every different trait, there’s a lot of traits who went there, who do this by the way, probably better than I do, but there’s a lot that doesn’t. And if they want to improve, that’s one way you can really improve. I’m doing development at the moment of six terrace houses, I have read those plans like you wouldn’t believe every day, I check where I’m at and where are we gonna be for the next two weeks, also for the whole stint of the program.

But every day I check it and sure and then when before I even leave, I’m like I was up at half-past five, six o’clock this morning as cause I want to, I go over exactly what I’m gonna do and how it’s all gonna work. I’ve already got absolutely formulated so when I get to that side, electricians turn up, the plumber turned up, the builder turned up, the excavators turned up and the concrete team turned up. I had all the answers, whatever questions are gonna ask me, I had all the answers so we can keep generating movement on the site. That is the key to every single one of us on these sites.

– So we’re kind of, we’re covered fairly, or in a basic way, how important it is for the leader to be organized and to be prepared and not just show up and work it out as it all sort of unfolds.

What have you found that’s been valuable over your time to be able to help the team that you’ve got any sort of direct employees and subcontractors to be able to improve how they plan, how they prepare between the trades to create more efficient and effective job site?

– Let’s just talk about the last 24 hours ’cause it’s really locked in my mind, it’s an easy memory to bring up. There was a concrete team, there’s six of them, so there’s the main guy and his five guys, we’re doing six chairs so he’s boxing up three and pulling on the string lines and setting everything up to get it all right, but after several hours, as I said, he was still a little bit mismanaged, not because he’s incompetent because he hadn’t planned it properly. I turned up at lunchtime and I couldn’t work out why they quit work, they should have been.

One of their league guys there was having trouble with a few bits and pieces. I grabbed hold of the plans and I said to him how it should be, he’d been reading the wrong plans, plus he’d only just started reading the plans today. Now, if he’d read those plans before he turned up, he would have known it was the wrong plan, he also would have done exactly the right business and where the rebates were and the cuts and the stepdad and the garages, he would have known the whole thing.

So when he turned up to start putting the boxing on these other five guys, they would have just been able to do it. He was trying to work it out with five men watching him.

If you’re struggling to work that out, if you’re struggling to program and you’ve got five been working for you, that’s cost a lot of money. So imagine a builder at a building team when he’s got his own builder guys and everyone else coming in to work with him, if he has an absolutely built-in his head before he starts, he won’t be able to nominate who’s doing more job, So, therefore, you’re always slowing down.

Once you’ve actually built the whole thing in your head all the way through, you can plan it properly. And as the old saying goes, we keep proper planning, prevents poor performance.

– Peaceful performance, proper planning prevents we’re allowed to say peaceful, seven pays.

  • So it does work, I mean, this might sound really silly, but a lot of people listening to this podcast, but a lot of people forget it, a lot of people forget it. You have to be absolutely organized before you start the job. You’ve got to build in your head, you’ve got to see the whole thing before you actually start putting it all together before you start communicating with all the other trades, you’ve got to know the answers.

What’d I Say?

As I said, fortunately, we had the cameras rolling again for that moment, that brief moment in time when I said something worthwhile, that’s actually worth sharing. So let’s hear what I said in What’d I say.

“And that’s why it’s really important to have fairly clear objectives and goals as to what you want to accomplish financially so you don’t just get sucked into, I’ve got to earn, I’ve got to earn, I’ve got to earn, you set yourself an objective that I’ve got to own X amount and so I work hard to earn that and then at that point, I’ll then revisit, rethink my schedule and perhaps elevate some of the things that I’d put to the side because my priority was to earn the money.

Now I’m earning X amount of money, it’s not what I want to earn, it’s not solving all my financial problems, but I got to that objective.

And now I’m going to schedule 20 minutes twice a day or something like that, where I go to the car and I do professional development, or I do some sort of office type administrative type calls and working things out, start to think, what do I need to accomplish?

What’s my financial objective, before I start before I reassess that to me, that’s pretty simple. It’s like go hard to earn the money if that is the total priority right now, and then do the best you can early mornings and after work to listen to stuff, to improve yourself and what have you.

But once you get to that financial objective, what that does, is it just triggers off a reassessment. It’s not ongoing, you don’t say now when I get to that, I’m gonna do this.

You say, when I get to that financial objective, I’m gonna stop and I’m gonna reassess and perhaps expand the personal development or the professional development time, the administrative time, so I can do that at a more appropriate time of day.

And the answer it’s a moving target like you’re constantly gonna be refining this and changing this, and it’s gonna be like golf.

You’ll think you’ve mastered it because you’ve hit a few good shots on the last few holes and then you come the next week in you shoot the house.”

The Review

Right at the start of the show, the top of the show, I said, hang around for the tech segment because it’s gonna blow your socks off. And what I’ve got to share with you is this over here, it’s a countdown timer.

Now, have you ever heard of anything more sensational, more exciting than a countdown timer? What do you need a countdown timer for? One of the things that we promote and help our members to implement in their day is a thing called a time block.

Simply a time block is a chunk of time where you will have an objective to accomplish but the key with it is you make an appointment with yourself to do this thing.

So obviously it’s four things that are gonna make a big difference to your business, that you never seem to get around to because we’re always being pushed from pillar to post by other urgencies and distractions and so forth. So get into the habit of creating time blocks for yourself.

The key to a time block is, number one, it has to have a start time and treat the start time like the plane is leaving like the planes don’t hang around and wait for you.

So you’ve got to treat this time block like the plane is leaving. You’ve got to be prepared with all of your luggage to go when it’s time to go and so what I mean by that is make sure you’ve got everything ready before you press the timer on this countdown timer to do your time block. The first thing as I mentioned is the start time.

The second thing is duration, so it’s really important to have a duration, and this is why we have the countdown timer. So the key with a time block is to say this time block is going to be 11 minutes long or seven minutes long or 50 minutes long.

And I generally talk about a 50-minute time block and I just want to make sure that you understand that a time block doesn’t have to be 50 minutes but I would suggest to you, it shouldn’t be any longer than 50 minutes.

If you had a bunch of time blocks back-to-back and they were 50 minutes each it’s important to have that 10-minute gap in between them. And I’ll talk about that in a sec, but you create a sense of urgency with this countdown timer and have it visible but the key with this folks is if you use the countdown timer on your phone, so this bit of tech you’ve already got, it’s on your iPad, if you’re in front of a computer, you can just open one up on Google browser or whatever you want and pretty much every phone has one built into it, but the key is turn off the notifications or put your telephone if you’re using your phone for this on to flight mode.

So you’re not getting emails and beings and bills and distractions all the way through this, all your seeing as these numbers counting down because something magical happens when you’ve got this countdown timer, it creates a sense of urgency and a sense of focus.

And that’s the key with a time block if you think you’re working as hard as you can, you are delusional.

There is so much more than you can get accomplished in a day using ideas like time blocking and this amazing technical tool called a countdown timer because how most people go through their day, is they are trying to set fire to the paper with their magnifying glass and how do you do that?

Will you get your magnifying glass and you get the beam of light from the sun into a very fine beam? And then people start waving it around, like you just don’t care, right? And that doesn’t get the fire started, you’ve got to get the bloody magnifying glass and hold it still and then the fire starts, and that’s the same with our concentration.

So with a time block, you’d turn off your phone, put it on on airplane mode, turn off your email notifications if you’re using a computer, get rid of all of the distractions and you can get more done in 10 minutes using this process than you could ever get done in an hour or more using the process that most people use waving their magnifying glass around because what’s happening without this process is that you’re doing something and then you’ll get distracted and then something else will come into your mind and then there’ll be a being, and then there’ll be noise and whatever, and that’s the whole metaphor of waving your magnifying glass around.

Every person has the ability to concentrate and focus and when you get into that zone, your work can be super high quality, and you’ll get so much more done in a shorter space of time but it takes a little moment, perhaps a minute or so to get into that zone.

And the way that most people set up their day and go through their processes is they never give themselves that amount of time to get into that zone. And so I’m suggesting to you grab yourself a countdown time, scheduled time blocks, make sure you’ve got a start time, a duration, that’s the purpose of the countdown timer.

It creates that sense of urgency and the very last thing is that you need to give yourself a reward.

Traditionally, if you’re doing a 50-minute time block, you need to give yourself a 10-minute reward. And that means it needs to be something that you absolutely enjoy love doing it makes you super happy. Don’t go 50-minute time block, and you go, well I’ve got 10 minutes I’ll do a bit of work, that’s not a reward, that’s like throwing the stick for the dog it brings it back at so happy, drops it at your feet and you kick it in the head.

After a while, it will stop doing that and that’s what we do to ourselves all of the time.

So do your time block had the countdown timer, give yourself a reward like if you’re wanting to watch funny cat videos on YouTube for 10 minutes, it’s not a waste of time, trust me, it’s a great investment of time doing something like that.

So there you go, that’s the tech segment for this, Builders Business Success Podcast, the countdown timer, absolutely amazing, I’m sure your mind is blown. Interesting thought, just popped in because we had a discussion with some Black Belt members this morning, we were since the whole COVID thing hit, we’ve been putting on Q and A support conversations every single day of the week.

Just to keep the conversation going, keep people in the right frame of mind, share wins, share ideas, it’s just fantastic, the way that they share ideas and keep each other motivated and moving forward and one of the guys sort of was saying, I’m kinda getting sucked in to being on the tools a little bit too much and I’m not getting the things that I need to do on the business done.

And other things like he had to go out and do site visits for some new jobs. And what have you in the afternoons and is traditionally a little bit late, but I mean, a lot of people are like that, aren’t they?

They’re perpetually late and I just said when you’re late you’re basically living your days, day after day in a stressful state because you’re under the pump, you’re always a bit behind, there’s a crisis after crisis.

It’s not a good place to be, it’s not a good mental and emotional place to be and it causes you to make poor decisions. And just one of the things that I mentioned, the way I’ve only started doing this maybe five, six years ago, but I’d call that recent development.

He’s that when I’m planning my day and let’s say I’ve got an appointment in town and it’s a 35-minute drive to there if nothing gets in the way if there’s no road works or whatever and so if I’ve got to be there by 3:30, I’d go take me 35 minutes to get there. And I try to live by Vince Lombardi time, which is a famous American football coach that used to run his watch 10 minutes forward and live by it. So it always arrived 10 minutes early everywhere and whatever.

And I took that on board 30 years ago, so if I gotta be somewhere at 3:30, I planned to be there at 3:20, if it’s a 35-minute drive or factor that is, if I’ve got to have sort of 10 minutes to find a park and walk to the appointment, I’ll factor that in.

And I’ll put just maybe a few minutes of fudge factor in there just in case there’s roadwork or slow traffic or something like that. So I’m taking into account every possible thing and people go, gee, you know, why would you do that?

That seems like a waste of time, but what I’ve found over the years is by doing this, I’m always arriving early.

And I find that I very rarely feel like I’m under the pump, I’ve very rarely felt like I’m distressed. And I know other people who perpetually live in that distressed state, and it’s not a good thing.

So in my diary, I will put a work backward like that, and I will make an appointment in my diary that I need to leave at let’s say after 2:30 or whatever it is to allow all of that to get there by 3:30. So I’ll have a leaving time in my diary, not an arrival time for the next appointment. And it’s little things like that can make a pair of difference.

Well, that’s how I run all my sites as well. I mean, time is an instrument on a clock at some it’s not something that’s actually inside you, it’s a mindset.

So, therefore, if you’ve got to be some, you’ll find like these guys turn up every day, they’re always five or 10 minutes late. Isn’t that an interesting thing? If they had a different mindset that clock the numbering in the instrument would be different in their head if they had a different mindset.

Back to the conversation with Glenn!

– Yeah, the most fascinating thing that I’ve found is just, yeah, like you say, it’s that mindset, but it’s the perpetual emotional state that you’re in. And if you… I think that the challenge is that what people tend to do is that their thought is that I’ll just squeeze that other thing in and get that other thing done and I’ll get that other thing done on this.

They’re squeezing it in and squeezing it in, but gee man, at the end of the day, the goal is at the end of the day to have done the most important things that I could have done, not the most thing.

And sometimes that might be one thing and I think that you will actually feel better if you’ve done that one really important thing that might be working on the business and on the business activity versus 20 things that are in the business that really hasn’t progressed your business any further forward.

So figuring out what the important things are at the start of the day and making sure that you’ve made space for them throughout the day and given them the priority, I think that you feel a lot better. And that then that becomes that perpetual feeling of being in control.

– Well, I can reinforce that opinion that you just had because, in that time management course, you used to run 25 odd years ago. You absolutely put in how you can get more money, but you can’t get more time.

So make that the time you spend, you use it wisely, that way you attribute things to A, B, C, one, two, threes on those. And then if you create a list of what needs to be done on the day, and it’s a real list because you allocate so much time to each item, you can achieve each one of those by the end of the day, therefore you have that fulfillment of success.

Whereas a lot of us who don’t do any time management and look at their day and just go straight into it, not planning it properly, not having any time management allocating so much time to each purpose. Therefore, at the end of the day, they still got several items they haven’t done and they don’t feel that little edge of success that has succeeded in the day. And that all came back from that time management ’cause you taught me a long time ago and still use that, it’s absolutely vital.

  • It’d be an interesting thing for you know I’ll put the challenge out there to one of the things that we were taught to do, I was taught to do back in the day, as doing a time log, which is basically write down what you’d been doing during the day around about every 15 minutes and what most people think when you suggest that we’ll all be doing it right and in this bloody time log, I won’t get anything done. That’s not the truth that just takes a few seconds, every 15 minutes to write something down but the valuable data you can get from it will change your life. Like this is a life-changing exercise, but the interesting thing would be, and I’m throwing that challenge out is to do that, but then allocate let’s say, an hourly rate value to the activity that a person has been doing. So for me, if you’re doing project management type work, that’s quite an important part of a project and therefore, like you would pay somebody to manage an important project far more than you would pay somebody that’s just sort of cleaning up the rubbish off the site, yes?

– Of course.

– So you’ve got to put a higher hourly rate to that sort of activity, doing the planning, organizing trades, managing the project versus going and picking up equipment, dropping off materials time actually with the nail bag on, if you like and then there’s little administrative things that somebody could probably do for 20, $25 an hour, yet the builder who really is worth hundreds of dollars an hour, they need to be making sure that the allowance share of their day is spent in those multi-hundred dollar activities, not the $25 an hour activities.

  • Well, as we’ve talked about with that time management thing, some two people major in minor things put a lot of effort into running the site by, hey, I’ll step up and I’ll take my car, I’ll go and pick all the materials up. I’ll go and do this and I’ll go and do this and I’ll grab that a bit. If they planned the job properly, sat there at the office, worked out what materials exactly were required, sent a purchase order via email, got a confirmation on that, that’s locked in. That way, where they turn up on Thursday, it’s Monday now, they turn up on Thursday it’s going to happen. They don’t have to slip to the shop to buy the products. They can now major in major things, which is checking out exactly what’s going on that site, communicate with every single major contractor, one-on-one not via text message or phone, face-to-face make sure it’s done and then they can spend another few periods of time back in the office, nominating, choosing, working out what needs to go next, then go back to the site and talk to them face-to-face, one-on-one again.And that’s when your major, major time, not by running around, picking up bits and pieces or cleaning up by, I’m not the absolute expert in this, I still do a little bit of that myself, because. We do, we fall back into this trap, so I can stand here and preach this gossip.However, I still do fall back into that myself every now and then. And then someone just says something to me the other day, I was trying to organize these bits and pieces, I was trying to get some profiles at working with these guys to make sure everything is the macula.And another guy who is an expert in the field of excavation, you’ve got 30 odd excavators and all these guys, all the cars are macula, everything’s perfect. He just makes things tick. And he said, “what are you doing?” He said, “I’ve got a couple of great laborers who are very good at that. What I try to get them here done for you, and you’re gonna do what you should be doing.” And I thought, gosh, if the excavator man running this company, he’s given me advice and I’d tell you what it was fantastically right.We’ve got to listen, that’s the other good thing too, isn’t it?Is to listen and take notice and when someone gives you good advice take it on. So just listening, going, oh yeah, whatever. I’ll still drive mute, I’ll pick up the instead of going, hey, actually I might go downstairs right now and work out Women need studs, frame trusses, floor trusses, plaster, write that on an email, work out the timeline, email it off now and then when I’m driving to that site tomorrow, I could just make the quick phone call to clinic spellings, wherever using all, or plus a shopper, whatever you use, you can get, hey, that email the products is that still turning up at 8:30 this morning? Yes, perfect. Yeah, you don’t even know I have to work on it anymore, it’s done. And that was that proper planning prevents poor performance.

– It was just interesting when you said you’re not just preaching this and you do it all perfectly all of the time, I had exactly the same thought and folks please understand that what we’re trying to do and what I try to do with all of these episodes is to give you something to think about, perhaps challenge the status quo and look at better ways of doing things and not for a moment. I don’t think either of us is standing here or high mighty saying, we get it right all the time.

– No, no way.

– And the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement, Glenn, isn’t it?

– Thank you very much, what a lovely message.

Summary & Takeaway

Always liked to finish this off with a Take-Away. One of the things we talked about with Glenn is time management or self-management, and one really simple thing that you can do that I would like you to take away and start doing this because, in essence, time management isn’t getting stuff done, it is managing your emotional state because when you do better, you’ll feel better, and when you feel better, you’ll do better. And you go on this upward spiral, but the opposite is also true.

So when you don’t feel so good, you don’t do so well when you don’t do so good, you don’t feel so good and you go on this downward spiral.

So it’s all about doing things that cause you to feel good and if you’re constantly running behind and you’re late and there’s pressure on you, you don’t feel good, which causes you not to perform well.

And so here’s that little thing that I’d like you to take away from here is when you are scheduling your day and you’ve got an appointment, or you’ve got to be somewhere at a certain time, use Vince Lombardi time for a start, right?

Vince Lombardi, an amazing American football coach and he would set his watch 10 minutes early and he would live as if that was the real-time, so he would always show up at places 10 minutes early. And even if you were five minutes late, you’re still five minutes early.

So use Vince Lombardi time, so I’ll do that, but also if I have an appointment, I’ll figure out how long does it take to get there I’ll even consider how long is it gonna take to find a park and walk to wherever I need to get to. And that brings me back to the point at which I need to leave the office for instance or leave where my current destination is.

And I’ll put that in the diary as an appointment to leave for the next appointment. Hope that makes sense, please start to implement this India day, because what will happen is you’re gonna start showing up everywhere early, you’re gonna feel super on top of things, super organized and when you start to feel good, you’ll start to do good.

So as always, I hope we’ve answered a whole bunch of questions, I also realize in the pursuit of answering questions, we create more and I want to help you with any questions that have come up through this episode.

Anything that y’all thought, hey, that’s really cool, but how do I do this, how will I do that? If you’ve got questions you want to ask, I’m more than happy to answer them for you.

Love to jump on a call, find out where you are with your building business, and help you take it to another level and get some of these common problems that most builders have in their building business out the way. How do you do that?

All you need to do is schedule a call, so if you’re watching this on our website, there’s a button underneath the video, just hit the button, takes you to a short form, fill it out, we’ll be on a call before you’re not.

If you’re listening to this on Spotify or iTunes or any of the podcast platforms, all you need to do is navigate to buildersbusinessblackbelt.com.au. All of the buttons will be right in your face as soon as you hit the website, there’s a big orange button there that says, schedule a call, same deal, hit the button, fill out the form, we’ll be on a call before you’re not.

Hope you really enjoyed this episode of Builder’s Business Success Podcast, be looking forward to talking to you in the next episode on Builders Business Black Belt, bye from here.

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