EPISODE 16 – What Success Really Means

EPISODE 16 – What Success Really Means

By mick | September 16, 2020


Hi, and welcome to another Builders Business Success Podcast!

If this is the first time you’ve either watched or listened to the Builders Business Success Podcast, the purpose of it is to help builders, all around the country, all around the world.

We’re getting people listening from all over the place these days, to overcome the unnecessary problems, and issues, and stress, and pain, that come from building industry norms.

The way that builders traditionally do things, approach their marketing, approach their conversations, and communications with their customers, with their team, all sorts of things.

How they manage their money, how they manage the financial measurement and management of the finances in the business.

All of these things cause a whole bunch of unnecessary stress. And the purpose of this show is to help you, how to change that. We’ve got an absolute action packed podcast for you in this episode.

The Interview

Gonna be talking to an amazing dude, his name’s Brandon T. Adams.

He’s an amazing guy that has his own TV show, sold everything with his girlfriend, up and took off and went to all of these different countries in the United States to create this TV show.

We’re gonna talk to Brandon about what success means. It’s a really important conversation, can’t wait for you to hear that. Also going to be doing a book review. And I think this is one of the most profound messages that I’ve read in a long, long time. And I can’t wait to share that with you.

The Regular Segments

  • Of course, we’re doing the, What Did I Say? The cameras are rolling just in case I said something worthwhile. Fortunately this week, I seem to be doing it about once a week, I’ll say something worthwhile.
  • I’ve also got a question that’s asked quite often, and it’s gonna save you a whole bunch of time, wasted time and money. Because when you save time, you’ll generally save money as well. So that’s what we’re gonna be covering in this show.


Success in Your City – successinyourcity.com

Brandon T. Adams – https://www.brandontadams.com/

“The Road to Success.” – https://www.amazon.com/Road-Success-Achieve-Business-Life/dp/1642798738

*Transcription of the show*

Hear my conversation with Brandon T Adams!

So one of the issues that I come up with all of the time, working with builders is there’s a lot of stress, and often they feel like that they don’t have a life.

A lot of that comes from not really knowing what the purpose of the business is. We knew it when we started, but somehow we get lost in it.

So in my first question, or my first question to Brandon, was how important is it to find out what we’re doing things for? And how do we find out what success means to us?

– In the first question I think everybody needs to do, is ask themselves what success means to them. Like simple as that and like writing down what it means. And if you don’t know what it is, try things. For me I’ve tried a lot of things.

I tried a lot of things in my twenties to put myself in a position to figure out what I enjoyed more, what made me tick, what got me excited. And then once you do figure that thing out, focus all your energy, your resources, your money into that one area. And then that will ultimately be your driver for everything else.

I think a lot of people, they don’t ask themselves what they want and what they do is they do what other people want of them, whether it’s their audience, it’s maybe some mentors like I have great mentors, but just because you have mentors, doesn’t mean they’re always right on they’re…

They’re gonna give you advice, you take it or leave it, or maybe what your family wants, or somebody else. You have to ultimately do what you really want. And if you’re gonna be controlled by others, you’re gonna live a very fucking sad life and it’s gonna be miserable.

It’s gonna be miserable, it’s gonna make be a mediocracy or average. I think average is dying in my life. The thought of being average is very sad.

– So often when you look at builder’s websites or even listen to them having a conversation, they’re always talking about their expertise.

They focus on quality, their skills, how long they’ve been in the industry, all of that sort of stuff. And they’re basically talking about themselves. And to be able to build rapport and really get a connection with your clients, it’s really important to understand from their perspective and bring a really confident energy to the conversation.

So I asked Brandon about that. Here’s what he said.

– If you’re good at what you do, like you’re gonna show that through your excitement. And there’s a way of like showing your success, versus you bragging about, hey, look what I’ve done. Like there’s ignorant people out there that will show both.

And then there’s a way of doing it like, hey, here’s what we’ve done. We’ve made a lot of impact. Like we did this and that. And we’re the best in the industry. And you can, the way you say how like, hey, like I stand behind it. I’ve been doing this for 20 years. It makes me think of when I was in the ice business.

I grew up in the packaged ice business. And up until two years ago, when I had sold the company, like I had been in the business almost 30 years.

I mean, since I was born till now.
And so like I had so much confidence and belief on what I did, when I spoke about it, it was just like, hey, I know this space better than anybody else.

And I think that confidence in the way you communicate that, people will see that. And I think also telling the story of how you got to where you are.

Sharing your story, what you’ve been through, the experiences you had, which ultimately will build that trust with somebody you’re looking to work with.

– Yeah. One of the things that needs to be spoken about as well is just confidence.

When we’re talking to prospects, you know, particularly if you’re gonna ask to be paid for your proposal, you’ve gotta have that confidence.
So I asked Brandon what his thoughts were about how important confidence was.

– I think confidence is key. You look at certainty. Like anything I’ve done in my career, there have been times I was scared shitless in my head, but I just, I went as if I wasn’t. And I think confidence and really belief in yourself and what you’re doing, that’s everything.

I mean, I think about when my wife and I traveled the country back in 2018, and got up and just traveled, building this TV show, we had no distribution deal in place.

I was still kinda new in this space, and the amount of people that didn’t really understand what we were doing, but we were driven to achieve this goal. I think it was the confidence in the big vision that we were casting, is what allowed us to achieve it.

Because for one, we were dedicated to it.

We had the mindset of, hey, we’re gonna achieve it. But along the way, like we had so many obstacles. But I think if you just really stick with what your vision is and keep moving forward, people will attract to you.

And you go into situations, I mean, I’m the kind of guy, if there’s a room of a hundred people and we’re given a task, like I’m gonna take lead.

I will, because I know I can make decisions, I can take action.

And I may not have to know exactly everything, I might not know anything about what’s happening, but I can take action in finding people in the room that know what needs to be done and how to do it, and coordinate them to get it done.

So confidence and taking action is key. I think the number one thing that holds people back, is lack of action.

– Quite often, I get asked the question, you know, how do you do this? Or what’s the best way of doing that? Basically the question is how do I be successful? And sometimes there isn’t an answer to that.

So I asked Brandon, what’s the process to figure out how to be successful?

– You know, I’ll give you a couple of examples because before, like I ever achieved anything that you would, some people would consider success in my space. Like I tried things.

So like when I first started creating video content back in 2013, and I don’t even know if we have the smart phones back then, but I created a video and it was horrible, but I did it and I was nervous.

And like I did some weird and things, like you could go online and you could search for some very interesting videos I created that I would look at today, be like what was I thinking?

But I was willing to put myself out of my comfort zone and do things that, yeah, some people laughed at me, but I was getting better and I started getting better.

And so when I started to put myself in a position where I actually, this is why I did it, I made it a part of my habits, of constantly putting myself in an uncomfortable situation.

So always doing something that scared me or made me uncomfortable, because then I was starting to get comfortable outside of my comfort zone.

And so I started doing that through video, and trying to different things which led to becoming better at that.

I remember when I first in 2014, I convinced my girlfriend, wife today, to leave her full time job and join me in a new city.

That was, I lived in a different state from where she was, and to go start a company. And we moved there, we went all in. It was scary at first moving into that city, but I was determined to achieve this goal for this idea I had.

And I invested that money lined up, everything’s set up and we got our apartment and the last minute the deal fell through, I didn’t take the money and I didn’t go forward with the idea. And then there I am.

My girlfriend is looking at me wondering, what am I gonna do now?

And I’m like, oh fuck now what? And I didn’t know how I was gonna pay for rent. And so what I did is when I found out, when I hit those moments of low, or hit an obstacle, like that was one of the darker moments of my career for business.

When you hit rock bottom, you’re forced to figure out a solution to the problem.

So what I thought out is I was like, thinking, what do I do? What do I do? And I turned to, at that time, something that I’ve been studying called crowdfunding, and that led me to getting into the crowdfunding space, which led to me doing my first campaign, which led to me getting into the TV space, because one of the main things of a crowdfunding campaign was creating a video.

So ultimately that failure was a success in disguise that led me to a different path. But the only way I would’ve gotten to that, was by going out of my comfort zone, moving to this city.

And so I guess I share that is because, I’ve done all these different things where I’ve hit brick walls, whether it’s being close to bankruptcy, or a business failing, or losing a loved one, or an idea not working out, or something going completely wrong.

And in that moment, it’s like the world’s ending, but you get past it.

You realize it’s not that bad. And like you said before, once you have a couple of wins under your belt, you realize it’s just a part of the process.

So I’m here to tell you that I’ve experienced all the lows in business, and on here it’s all right. And looking back on it, I’m actually glad they happened.

They made me a better person and stronger.

And so I’m telling you people out there that are ready to take that leap. You’re afraid maybe you’re gonna fail or lose money.

I would much rather go and fail, and maybe even go bankrupt, than sit and be comfortable for the rest of your life, and always wonder what if?

– Yeah.

– Don’t be a what if.

– Yeah. I wanted to find out from Brandon, what sometimes is the enemy of continuing success? In my world it’s you get comfortable. And when you get comfortable, you don’t try new things. And I just wanted Brandon’s take on that because that’s something he’s done. This is what he said.

– Yeah. So let me share something here, I think this will help your audience because I did the ultimate of letting go of good to go to great. So 2017, I had found some success in business and I had been making money and I wanted more to life. I just felt like I wasn’t happy.

I was happy, but I wanted more. And that’s where the backend in mid that year, my wife and I came up with this idea to go film a TV series called “Success in Your City.” And that time we didn’t even know what it was gonna be called, but we this idea travel the country, film the show.

So I stopped everything I was doing, by the way the business was in year one, it was doing very well.

It was on track to already become a seven figure business in a short period of time. Just that one business that I had multiple.

But I stopped everything because I wanted to go out through this endeavor, because I knew if I didn’t go after it, I would never go after it. Like I didn’t go after it in that timeframe, I would never do it.

So I did that, went after this show and in the process almost cost me everything, but then after going in and being 50% all the way through this journey, I started to think about a business that I had, that I bought from my father, that had been around since 1986 and how, like, I still love the business. It was the ice business.

But it wasn’t like completely fulfilling me, and I almost thought I needed to let go. And I had another event business, that I had started, that was my baby.

But I, back of my mind, I realized that I probably should let go. Cause I had these other things that I was doing, but I realized the only way to really become the most successful, Napoleon Hill talks about this, you gotta do your one thing.

For me, I wanted to pursue this endeavor with creating this TV series, becoming this known TV host and speaking around the country and the world.

So what I did is a tough decision of letting go, having a conversation with my father saying, hey, like, I’m gonna get out of the ice business, selling the business, letting go, selling the other business, selling my home, selling everything I had and going all in on this vision.

That’s not easy my friend. Like it was very challenging for me because you don’t wanna let go of something that’s not only paying you well, but also it’s like a part of your identity.

So you have to let go of that, and find a new identity. And so I guess on the other side of that, I’m so glad I did, because as soon as I did it, so many other opportunities came to me.

So many more opportunities.

So if you’re that builder right now, and there’s something, maybe you’re not ready to sell the business, but maybe there are some other components that you wanna start going down, do ’em.

Don’t wait, because you might find out that might lead you some things that might even be bigger than what you’re doing now.

For me, it was. And yet, so many people settle for good.

They settle for mediocracy. They settle for what they have, and they don’t realize what they could have, if they would let that go and put the energy somewhere else.

– Yeah. I don’t know about you, but a lot of builders I talk to, tend to feel that they kind of responsible for the attitude of the team and they are the problem fixer.

But I asked Brandon, is there a better way to bring a better energy to everything that you do, rather than you take responsibility for absolutely everything?

– I think putting yourself in an atmosphere of being excited every day and motivated by what you’re doing, I think one way to do that, is hiring people that have similar excitement for what you’re doing.

– [Mick] Yeah.

– And having people that are gonna help you. I mean, I look at like when I was in ice business, there were times I was around people that weren’t like good for my energy, and they didn’t like what they did.

But for me, like when I surrounded myself, people that really love the same thing I was doing, it got me more excited, more motivated, almost like competitive, in a sense.

So hire people that really share the passion with you.

Hire people that are very smart in their space, that you look in the space, like what are the different experts in that space, surround yourself with those right experts that are gonna excite you, not pull you down.

Because I’m sure there’s people that will come to work, and they freaking hate their job. And that brings your energy down, which hurts everything.

So surround yourself with the right people, and then find new ways to reinvent yourself. How can you do different things? Like once you do something for so long, you obviously become really good at it.

Well, how can you try new things with what you do, that makes it even more valuable to your audience, where they’re gonna pay you more for your services?

For me, I wanna be the most expensive person for what I do, the most valuable, the most valuable in my space. I don’t wanna try to be the guy bargaining.

Like I wanna be the top of the top, you’re gonna pay the most, you’re gonna get the best, and you’re gonna get the best experience.

– Yeah.

– So how can you be that person, how can you stand out from everybody else in your industry?

– I was really amazed when I heard that Brandon had pretty much sold up everything to pursue an idea for a TV show. So I asked him to tell us how that all came about.

– So the show concept came from back in 2017, my wife and I were on a beach, and I said, what are we gonna do next?

Like, what’s the next thing we’re gonna do with our life. And I had always had this vision of living in 12 cities in 12 months.

And I said, why don’t we go live in 12 cities in 12 months? And somehow I convinced her. She, after we’re having a couple of pinacoladas on the beach-

– Do you keep her in a perpetual state of being drunk? Like with these ideas?

– And then I ain’t none swaddling, because I had just filmed my first show. I said, what if we film a show on it? Because one of the feedback I had on my first show was, they wanted a guy and a girl hosts. It was in the first one, it was me and another guy.

So I’m like, this could be perfect. And so I somehow convinced her on that. And then six months later, we started the trip.

We traveled around the country, we lived in these different cities.

The whole part of it was we would go in the city, we would learn from an individual in that city, share their story on our show, but also make an impact in the community we went into.

So fundraisers, events, really just learn everything. And we were doing all this before, getting married that next year. So starting the trip and by the way, planning a wedding.

So we started out and our goal was 12 cities. We end up getting six cities and filming five, a five part series for our show. I realized 12… After our first episode, I realized 12 episodes, wouldn’t be a feasibly possible.
So we went and did that, and again, when we traveled around and learned from people, we learned about different versions of success.

From a guy that was a two time all-star that made 20 million bucks left the game, within three years lost everything, living out of his van to coming back.

To a real estate team that was building literally this real estate empire, and they had started out of a closet.

A musician that was homeless and became this award winning orchestra, or created an award winning orchestra to…

All these different stories all over the country. And so the whole point of the show is to help people figure out what their own version of success is and help them achieve it, and learn from these different stories.

So that show, our first two episodes are on Amazon Prime.

The show is called “Success in Your City.” You can check it out successinyourcity.com. For calling me on social media, I’m Brandon T. Adams everywhere. We do have our book, that’s releasing here, “The Road to Success.”

So we actually, most people write the book, and then the movie or show comes after, we did the opposite and we did the show, and then wrote a book on it.

But I guess to share with your audience, the biggest thing we learned about success is, the first question is really to ask yourself, what is success to you?

– [Mick] Yeah.

– So many people fall into the trap of living a life of what social media wants you to live.

What other people want you to live. When in reality, if you realize what you really want, if you just go after that, that’ll make you happy.

So first ask yourself, what is success? If you don’t know what it is yet, try some things that you like, and then eventually you’ll figure that out.

And then once you do figure it out, put all your energy in that area, focusing on that area.

And so once you do that, you’re gonna find fulfillment in your life. And so that’s the one thing I learnt about success. And also a big thing I found out from everybody that we interviewed was one key component of their success was contribution.

Every, I’ve interviewed hundreds of entrepreneurs from billionaires to homeless, some of the most interesting people in the world, and the truly successful people, they all went back to what made them happy, and it was a huge contributor to their success, was contribution to other people.

Giving back to the community, helping people, using their time and resources to help other people.

So I think that’s a key part to everything in life. For me, that’s what makes me happy. I think everybody else, when you’re actually doing something to help other people that will help make you happy.

Making money, yeah. Getting that dollar, it feels good. But when you’re actually using that money and using your resources to do good with the world, it will make you a happier person.

So that’s what I learned. It was quite a ride, the show was a lot of fun. I am actually getting ready to in a month, doing a book tour again across the country, gonna be driving across the country, not flying.

And I’ve done this now for five years, I’ve done these trips where I’ve traveled all over.

I’ve done hundreds of thousand miles around the US and it just makes it so much fun. I am a curious person, learning from people, we all can learn from each other.

We all have a story. Everybody listening, watching this, you have a story. I believe it’s your duty to share your story because they will impact others people’s lives.

And I guess our mission with our show is to use the stories we featured on our show to empower others to achieve their own version of success.

– Yeah. Thank you so much for putting the time aside for being on the show. I hope we can catch up again at some stage in the future and find out what’s next and what you’ve been doing, cause it’s super fun, super exciting to follow your journey and just love what you’ve shared with us today.

So thanks very much.

– Thank you.

What’d I Say?

You know, someone’s heard your podcast. It’s a really simple way of elevating your authority, creating calls to action, getting people into the habit of listening to you and knowing you.

You can really get a large reach, which I know you thought probably, well, why do I need such a large reach? It’s not about just having a podcast to go out to, you know, your surrounding suburbs.

It’s about people seeing that you have a large reach and people are asking you questions from all over the place. It’s about developing authority.

So if you’ve got people from New Zealand, or America asking you questions on your podcast, that’s elevating your status as an authority.

And if somebody in your local neighborhood is checking you out and they check out your podcast and you know, you’re interviewing people from the States and gurus here and there and everywhere, and getting interaction from that, it just elevates your status as an authority.

Yeah. It’s a great way to address questions and gives you a reason to stay current with what your prospects are thinking and feeling. And so you can address that stuff.

And so your whole podcast is like, and ad, a Facebook ad for instance, that is entering into the conversation that your prospect is already having.

Like you can go into really great depth about that rather than just a few paragraphs, you know, or a five minute video. It’s very, very powerful.

So, and I know I’ve changed my mind about this whole thing.

So the bloke who runs, We Are Podcast, Roslie, he has been seconded by Gary Vaynerchuk to take care of all of his podcast and stuff.

So he’s my mate, and so he’s the one that’s helping me with all of this and a bunch of months ago, I think it was before Joel started the podcasting.

He sort of, I had a conversation with me and said, you know, what do we need to do to get your guys into podcasting? And I said, man, it’s never gonna happen. Like builders just won’t do it. They won’t do it. They don’t see the value in it.

You know, they’re gonna be all scared of the technology and this, that, and the other. And I’ve had multiple conversations with him. And at the end of the day, I changed my mind.

And I think it’s probably one of the most powerful and underutilized platforms for a builder’s marketing strategy. Because it’s easy to do. It’s simple to put out there.

It gives you the opportunity to chop it up and pull out little bits from it. If you sort of get it transcribed or whatever, it immediately gives you a massive amount of content for written articles and so forth.

So this is the version that, but not like ours, like we do a whole video production. You can just do the audio version.

You know, you can just bang your webcam on and film it if you want to. But if you just did the audio version, it’s really easy.

Send it away to get transcribed, chop it up for articles and all that sort of stuff. But it’s a great way to elevate status and authority and keep at the sort of leading edge of what your prospects are thinking.

So I’m an absolute convert. I didn’t see what Robbins Lee was saying, I now see it.

The Review

Okay as I said, I wanted to share with you a book that I felt has had a profound impact on me. And it’s been one of the most amazing books I’ve read in a long, long while. It’s called “The Infinite Game” by Simon Sinek.

Without giving you a whole lot of detail, because I really, really want you to read it. It is all about understanding the difference between a finite game, which is like a game of footy where there’s, finishes when the whistle blows, there are nine players, and there are agreed upon rules.

And then there is infinite games. And an infinite game is politics, is life, is relationships and business, there is no end. You don’t win a relationship.

You don’t win business.

The purpose of an infinite game is to contribute to the continuing of that game.

So that game continues long after your you’ve gone in a pine box, basically. And the shift in your mindset, when you start to think, how can my business contribute to a just cause? Some sort of cause? It changes everything folks.

And the biggest problem is, and I needed to put my hand up for this, that all of our coaching that I’ve done over the years since I read this, and as I said, it had a profound effect on me, was all of the goal setting and the processes that I was teaching on how build a better business was teaching people how to take a finite mindset, like a footy game type mindset, into business Business is an infinite game.

And if we play it with a finite mindset, we are always up for pain and disappointment. And one of the most profound things that I never forget about reading the book, and I want to paint this mental image for you, is every day you’ve got an opportunity to walk up to this signpost. And the signpost says, you can go left to victory, or you can go right to fulfillment.

And what Simon Sinek’s talking about there is, if you go left and play a game like business, which is an infinite game, and you’ve got that finite mindset and you’re going to win, you wanna go left to victory.

You’ve also got to understand that there probably won’t be victory all of the time. In fact, most of the time there isn’t victory, there is defeat, and you’ve gotta deal with that emotionally.

Whereas if you choose every day to go right to fulfillment, to contribute to the cause, to just make your business better, not the best in the world, just better.

You can be fulfilled every day. And it brings a whole brand new energy to you, to your business, to your team, your customers experience it, everything changes.

This is a profound book folks. I cannot recommend highly enough that you get a copy of this book, and you read it, and you read it, and you read it.

And then of course start to implement it. It will make a profound difference.

And I’d love all of your comments about this when you read it. If you’ve got any questions, I’d love to get into a conversation about it. It’s profound stuff. Get a copy, read it, do it. You’ll love it.

Q & A

Q & A time. One of the most common questions that I will get asked is, how do you handle it when someone gets on the phone and they just want a price?

In fact, we just did a live training in the Builder’s Business Success forum, which is the sort of Facebook group partner of this podcast. And we covered that.

And it was all about making sure that fundamentally you don’t answer the question, you offer a different approach, and that is sending people out a questionnaire.

You give them the reasons why the questionnaire helps them, and how they benefit from them from it. But you have it set up in your phone so you can flick them out a link to the questionnaire.

The great thing about it, it gets them into your database.

You can start sending them emails and keeping contact with them, but it gets you off the phone really quickly. And the bottom line is it’s a really, it’s a dead end question, because if you were to answer it, it wouldn’t be accurate.

So the person you’re giving the information to, it’s of no value to them, but they still think that they want it.

Doing it this way you start to build trust, you start to present yourself as a professional, you get them on your database.

You can offer them more value. You can send them out two, three, four emails a week, as long as they are valuable.

People will not unsubscribe, if you’re sending them out value. And they’re getting a reminder of your existence, every time that happens and they see that you are professional.

If you answer the question, they’re off the phone, they probably have no further contact with you, and what you’ve given them is of no value to them.

So it’s a dead end question.

That’s the suggestion that I give you, is set up a questionnaire. I use something like ActiveCampaign, for instance, to set up the questionnaire.

It’s only like 20 bucks a month for the lite version. And by setting up the questionnaire and something like that, it captures their information.

It will automatically trigger a series of emails that they’ll start to receive. And you can start to promote your professionalism and start to answer their questions, and send them out a whole bunch of value.

That’s a much better way of doing it.

Hope that makes sense, and I hope you start to do it. If you’ve got any questions, you can certainly reach out and ask them, go join Builder’s Business Success Forum, the Facebook group, and there’s a free training in there just about that topic.

Takeaway & Summary

So what’s the takeaway from this? It makes sense to me with everything that Brandon T. Adam says, and the book review, is you need to ask yourself, what are you doing it for?

So many people I talked to, had reasons to start their business in the first place, but it doesn’t take long until you get sucked into that monster, and you forget the purpose.

And you’re just basically painting my numbers every day and repeating the same thing. It’s a bit like Groundhog day.

So what I would be suggesting you do, is start to set some goals for time, the time freedom you want your business to start to offer you, and figure out what you need to change and improve in your business to get that.

Money goals. If you haven’t got money goals and income goals, you’re just caught trying to keep making it more and more and more. And there is a point where more doesn’t matter, there is a point.

You need to know what the goal is for you timewise, and more importantly, as far as we spoke about in the infinite game, what is your just cause? Like what can your business, or you contribute to?

And love to get in a conversation with you about that at some stage, but that’s definitely the takeaway from this show.

So if you’re an experienced builder, meaning that you’re established, you’ve been around for a little while, you would know that there is a bunch of issues that we talk about in this show.

I’d love to help you with those issues. And generally there is a roadblock for…

That gets in the way of a successful business, it’s normally one thing. And the simplest way to get past that is to have a third party look at it.

So I’m more than happy to jump on the phone with you, talk about your business, where you wanna take it, and identify what the roadblocks are that are in the way of the success of your business.

It’s a real fast call. It’s a real focus call. It will help you get rid of a whole lot of problems. When you find that one little roadblock, it kind of opens the flood gates and gets rid of a whole lot of other problems. It’s a real fun phone call. Love to have a chat with you.

So all you need to do, is book the call, schedule a call, you can do it underneath the video here, there’s a button, just press that.

That’ll take you to a form.

Fill that out, that’ll take you to the calendar to schedule a call with us. If you’re listening to this on the audio only version, all you need to do is navigate to buildersbusinessblackbelt.com.au, and it will be on the front page of the website there. Look forward to catching up with you and helping you with your business.

I hope you really enjoyed this episode of Builders Business Success Podcast, and I’m looking forward to the next one already on Mick Hawes’ Builder’s Business Blackbelt.

That’s it. Bye for now.

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