How to Become More Successful with Tradies Business Mentor



How to Become More Successful with Tradies Business Mentor

If you are a tradie, you are heavily relying on your skill and well-polished craft since you can’t mask a poorly done job with a few nice words and false promises. On the other hand, being exceptional in what you do is sometimes not enough to make you as successful as you deserve. 

It is not unusual that tradies are focusing on perfecting their expertise to provide the best possible service, but there are multiple other factors to consider if you want to skyrocket your business. This is where tradies business mentors can help you as you’ll get a chance to have an insight into their life-long priceless experience and learn from it. 

They walked in your shoes, faced multiple difficulties and came out of the challenging times as winners. Hearing what they have to say would surely not be a waste of time, on the contrary, you can have great benefit from working with a tradies business mentor, so stay with us as we are going to tell you all about it. 

Tradies Business Mentor Is Honest

If you truly want to improve, the constructive criticism that a tradies business mentor is obliged to provide will surely help you on the way to the top. It is their job to see our faults and target the source of the issue, so we can understand which segment of our business requires some extra effort and care. 

No matter if you lack organisational skills, or you are unable to develop a solid relationship with your team for some reason, a tradies business mentor will put a spotlight on whatever it is and suggest effective resolutions. Instead of feeding your ego and telling you things you wish to hear, this is a person who will tell you the truth as they genuinely want to see you improve. 

Thinking Outside the Box

When we only stick to our well-established business methods and perspective, this often means that we are subconsciously sabotaging our business by not making any room for improvement. 

A tradies business mentor can help you see each situation from the perspective you never thought about. You’ll begin to understand that there is a solution for every problem if you look at it from multiple angles. So, instead of operating the same way over and over again, by adopting an expert’s advice, you will begin to react and act differently to the various business circumstances.

If you are a builder who wishes to adopt radical solutions that will eliminate free quotes obligation and teach you how to build unshaken integrity for your business, check out our Blueprint to Blackbelt program. Created by Mick Hawes, one of the most recognised builders business mentors in Australia, this program contains revolutionary discoveries on how to be in charge of every aspect of your business. 

From teaching you how to select the right client (yes, you are the one who should select a customer), and establishing a perfect work - personal life balance that we all tend to harm from time to time, to crushing your cash-flow problems and getting the profit you want, our Blueprint to Blackbelt program covers all of it.

You’ll Become More Independent  

This part is heavily related to the last one, as you’ll understand that working closely with a mentor will equip you to make good decisions in the future. A good tradies business mentor is someone who wishes to see you becoming an independent business owner who knows exactly which step to take next. Of course, this person is here for as long as you need them but witnessing your advancement after a short time is their true aim. This is because a tradies business mentor knows how to help you build genuine confidence, so you can stand strong behind every decision you make.

Long-term Solutions for a More Sustainable Business

A tradies business mentor’s job isn’t just to share some useful business tips and tricks but to help you establish the right foundations and adopt rules that you can use for many years to come. 

From improving your business management skills to teaching you how to negotiate and develop effective communication with both the client and team members, a tradies business mentor is here to teach you how to implement all the essential methods into your business operations. After all, all these practices that your business mentor is presenting you with are tested multiple times and proven efficient. On the other hand, a good mentor will encourage you to strive for authenticity, so you don’t have to blindly follow the rules and feel somewhat smothered by them. 

For all those builders who often feel stuck and trapped by the harsh and outdated principles of the building industry, Mick’s Blueprint to Blackbelt program will come as a real refreshment. It all starts with a little chat with Mick, so feel free to schedule a call today and prepare for an exciting journey with us. 


Our mission is to disrupt ‘old school’ Building Industry thinking, eliminate the frustration and unnecessary pain experienced by builders and their clients, as well as elevating builders to true professional status.


Proven models with step-by-step processes combined with accountability measures and guidance, all the while sharing the experience and knowledge with others, is our formula to make it better today – not next year.


If you are genuinely serious about taking your business to a new level of profitability, enjoyment and time freedom, then we are genuinely serious about helping you. Apply to join our program and if you’re successful, you can experience every single part of this proven program. If it’s not for you (or you’re not for us) you’ll receive a full refund no questions asked.

Mick Hawes | Julie Cassar:

7 Chaffeys Drive
Dodges Ferry TAS 7173